Sunday, August 3, 2008

Happy 25th again!

It was a great weekend to hang out with friends and celebrate Neal's Birthday. We got to bbq, hang out in the pool, play some guitar Hero, sing some kareokee and have lots of laughs with our friends!
"The Girls" were all together (both young and old alike...okay I know I'm the oldest but, just go with me on that one)!
The singing just got funnier as the night went on and it was a pretty late one for us old folks....just too much fun and the little one's didn't want to give in early either!

Today was typical sunday and we just loved it.....after church we came home and had some lunch with Aunt Jill, the girls took a nap and we hit the pool! With it being the hottest day of the year so far at 107 if you were outside you'd better be in a pool somewhere!

Now back to our crazy work weeks - although this week will be a short one as Neal and I leave for Grand Rapids MN very early Thursday morning for my class's going to be so fun! (Thanks girls for getting me ready...hit me with your best shot....come on!) :)

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