Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Is it a full moon....

I think it must be a full moon tonight (I've not even looked outside to know if this is true or not) but, the girls have been all messed up tonight. I too would love to be able to always paint this picture of two perfect adorable little girls that are just always so loving towards their parents and each other....but let's get back to reality! From the moment we drove in the driveway they were whiny and wouldn't stop pestering each other. Nothing drives me crazy faster than when they whine for no reason at all - and they know it! So, when they weren't whining they were running around crazy like till one of them either fell or ran into the corner of a table or something which then lead into utter pain and major tears! I think that all I've said tonight is slow down, stop whining, watch out, don't pull your sister, stop hitting maggie (yes, even maggie got into the action tonight).
So, needless to say I got both of the girls to bed early tonight which asleep by 9:30 is a major accomplishment! So, I'm going to take advantage of them already sleeping by going to bed early tonight myself....work is really busy right now and keeps me running all day! So, if any of you have any suggestions as to how to get kids to stop whining I'm all ears!

I thought I'd share a picture of Dad & Janet's beautiful flowers that they've had this summer - something to help calm things down from this totally crazy day....helps us all remember to take a minute and stop to smell the roses....

1 comment:

kelly Martin said...

Your Dad and Janets garden is BEAUTIFUL!!! I've really been trying to make our yard and flower beds prettier.
You know, girls just WHINE!!! The only think I can think of is, we started giving the kids allowance for doing chores, (we keep it in little mason jars). They've all been able to grasp some sort of concept of money, because on Sundays we go spend what they have left. When they fight, they have to pay me to listen to it....so I take money. It works! Who knows, it may work with whining.