Saturday, October 11, 2008

What a week....

Whew - I made it to the weekend and now it's already half over! What a week we've had at our house and we are all happy that today was Saturday. I had put in lots of extra time at work and Neal was great to pick up the girls from school Tues, Wed and Thurs. evenings! It was a huge help! This next week is going to be pretty tough too but, shouldn't have the late hours at work - just really busy days! We took the girls to see the movie "Beverly Hill Chihuahua" this afternoon - check it out...
We had a great time! The girls call it the chickiwawa" movie! so cute!

Aunt Jill came over this morning for pancakes which was great to see her - since she was out of town last weekend we'd not seen her in nearly 2 weeks! She's also leaving for vacation this coming weekend for a 10 day trip to Italy! I could have been going....bummer I changed my mind. next time!

Sorry - not very eventful today...maybe tomorrow will be more exciting.....enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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